Cops Hunt for Elusive Attackers, Investigation Spreads Beyond City Limits”

By Arvind jadhav
Police are suspicious whether the attacker is in Mumbai or outside
Mumbai : The attacker’s face has been revealed not only in one but in many CCTV cameras. During the attack, Saif and Kareena were also seen by four other people. 35 police teams are searching for him but his whereabouts are still unknown. During this time, the police have also questioned many people. Police are investigating whether the attacker is still in Mumbai or has fled from Mumbai. For this, they are also checking CCTV footage of outbound trains. Police are trying to find out the complete timeline of the attacker’s escape.
Attacker bought headphones from a mobile shop in Dadar
After attacking actor Saif Ali Khan, the attacker came to a mobile shop in Dadar at around 9 am and bought an earphone worth Rs 50 from the shop. Hassan, who works at the shop, said that the shop opened at 7 am as usual. At around 9 am, a person came and bought an earphone worth Rs 50 and left. When the police questioned Hassan about the person, Hassan came to know that the person was Saif Ali Khan’s attacker.
Cops Hunt for Elusive Attackers, Investigation Spreads Beyond City Limits
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